While this month’s E-News illustrates the breadth of activities the Société is involved with on a day-to-day basis, a great deal is also happening behind the scenes. The Executive Committee recently welcomed three new members, Sean Dettman, Ian Ronayne and Marc Yates, all of whom have already committed time and expertise on project work to which they are especially well suited. At the meeting I reviewed the current position of our organisation and we set priorities for the months ahead. Fund-raising is inevitably a major issue, given the significant expenditure which is needed to complete the services upgrade at Pier Road and the long-overdue refurbishment of our building at La Hougue Bie, a resource which we believe to have considerable unrealised potential.
Photo – La Hougue Bie
Given that research is a fundamental aim of the Société, consideration is now being given to ways in which our research interests could be more strongly encouraged and promoted and how the funds dedicated to this area can be utilised to best effect. These important discussions will involve our Sections, Departments and Subcommittees, and, of course, our membership as a whole.
A number of applications were recently received for Averil Picot and Barreau Art scholarships, which we have the privilege to administer. These schemes aim to provide financial support to local artists wishing to attend art college so as further develop their skills and interests. We’ll be reporting the outcomes shortly.
I also attended the Meteorology Section, the first of a number of visits to Sections that I hope to make, and was impressed by the strong attendance and great enthusiasm shown within the group – a new area of interest for me.
Finally, we are the very fortunate recipients of a marvellous and unique collection of Channel Island maps, gifted by Gerald Trevor, who has amassed this fascinating material over many decades. These maps are now being accessioned into the Lord Coutanche Library. We intend to produce an illustrated catalogue and exhibit a selection of these maps in due course – more on this shortly.
Stuart Fell