
Mycology Section News


 Truncospora Atlantica – J.Vibert   

This year the mycology section has trialled monthly forays during the ‘quieter’ months in Spring and Summer.

They have been a fantastic success, & we’re looking forward to continuing this next year.

Our July and August forays took place out West – at Les Blanches Banques & Les Quennevais respectively.

July blessed us with brilliant sunshine as we trekked the dunes in search of sand-loving fungi.  We’re lucky to have such an interesting habitat on our doorstep.

Star finds in July included Truncospora atlantica – a fungi so named because it is only found on the Atlantic coast, & Psathyrella ammophila (Dune Brittlestem) – a species which forms a sapotrophic relationship with the Marram Grass found on our dunes.

                  Psathyrella Ammophila – K. Norman

August was a dryer, greyer day – which meant fungi were more elusive – but we found a real treasure trove near Creepy Valley, where cool, damp conditions prevailed.

One of our younger members spotted this wonderful Pluteus Aurantiorugosus (Flameshield) – a really beautiful specimen!

Pluteus Aurantiorugosus

The busy Autumn season is now approaching, & we’re working on our schedule to make the most of these fungi-filled months.
Please keep an eye out for our emails for details – we look forward to seeing you all on our next outing!

  • Mycology committee