
Photo Archive Department


Last month, the photo archive had the privilege of hosting Hautlieu’s Year 13 A-level photography students for a special introductory session. The visit was designed to give the students a deeper understanding of the role archives play in preserving visual history and the broader cultural importance of photographic collections. Rochelle Merhet, our photo archivist and former Hautlieu student, delivered an insightful presentation that highlighted the significance of archives in documenting and safeguarding historical moments. She also gave the students a guided introduction to our extensive photographic collection, providing context on the various types of photographs we hold and their relevance to both historical research and artistic inspiration.

Max Le Feuvre, also a former student, shared his journey through his freelance photography experience and his recent placement as assistant archivist at the SJPA. He spoke about the time he spent volunteering with the SJPA during his student years and reflected on how that experience shaped his professional path. He explained how working with archival materials not only expanded his technical knowledge but also enriched his perspective on photography as an art form. 

The archive team would like to express their sincere gratitude to teachers Martin Toft and Jamie Cole, whose support and enthusiasm made this visit possible. Their commitment to providing their students with opportunities to engage with real-world professional environments is truly commendable, and we are grateful for the chance to contribute to the students’ learning journey.
