‘Currently studying for a master’s in architecture, the award has granted me greater freedom of expression when working. Material, software and travel costs can often be very expensive, yet important in the aid of developing stronger work. I am very grateful to Société Jersiaise for granting me the opportunity to further my understanding of architecture and develop work to the best of my abilities. In the future I hope to implement these skills in the island I call home.’

‘The award to me means opportunity. Being in a unique position myself, the award allowed me the choice to be able to go to university and to create my art with good quality materials and to finish my year without worrying so much about money. It has also allowed me to move away from Jersey and begin my art degree and have better opportunities starting my career as an adult.’

‘I am a 19 year old art student who has always been fascinated with art from a young age. At this time, I am doing an art foundation degree for a year, before going to university to study fine art. This award means a lot to me because it allows me to buy the materials and supplies I need in order to do my art and look at a wider range of mediums. For example, with this reward I am now able to look at digital art on an iPad as-well as having the materials to paint traditionally with.‘

“I am deeply honoured and grateful to be a recipient of the Averil Picot Art Scholarship. This award is not only a recognition of my past endeavours in the realms of art and engineering but also a profound affirmation of my ongoing journey and artistic exploration at the Royal College of Art. This MA Sculpture represents a bridge between my technical background and my passion for the arts, enabling me to delve deeper into the confluence of these two worlds. Société’s support encourages me to continue challenging the norms, merging luxury with sustainability, and fostering innovation in both my sculptures and paintings. Most importantly, it empowers me to keep using my artistic voice to provoke thought and dialogue, striving towards a more conscious and empathetic society. ”

‘I am the co-founder of Luddite Press plus the creative consultant at CCA Galleries International. I am currently studying for a Masters Degree in Printmaking at the Royal College of Art.
It is with enormous gratitude that I thank the Societe Jersiaise for awarding me the Avril Picot Scholarship which I have been able to use towards the cost of studying for higher education.
I look forward to showing my new work after graduating.’
If you wish to know any more about our Art scholarships and Grants, please visit our website via the links here…
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