The Numismatics Section of the Société Jersiaise is there for all who are interested in coinage, whether a long time collector, or someone who wants to know more about the subject. All are welcome.

Jersey didn’t have its own coinage until 1840, and was dependent on coins from France and other countries to conduct any trading, which wasn’t bartering. When the coinage was initially establish there were 12 British pennies to a British shilling, and 13 Jersey pennies to the same shilling.
Numismatics is a fascinating subject and unlocks many aspects of Jersey’s past. It’s very much the key to its history.
Meetings & Activities
The Section meets quarterly, in March, June, September and December. The meetings are on the third Wednesday of these months between 7 and 9pm.
Work Sessions
Our meetings vary from round the table discussions to on-site visits.
The aims of the Section are threefold:
to research and study coins and coin related items such as medals, banknotes, tokens etc with special interest in the money used in Jersey through the centuries;
to publish and promote these subjects through lectures, walks, Bulletin articles, booklets, exhibitions, social media channels, etc;
to find ways of directly involving enthusiastic non-experts in this wide-ranging and relatively unexplored area of research.
Interspersed between work meetings are talks and lectures, when possible, by visiting colleagues.
Section Officers
Chair, David Le Long
Secretary, Nicolette Westwood