The Millennium Fund for Research Fellowships and Grants
The purpose of this Fund, established to mark the Millennium, is to promote high-quality academic or scholarly study of Jersey’s history and cultural heritage. There are huge gaps in this knowledge and it is hoped the fund will encourage students to take the opportunity to close some of these gaps.
The aim is also to encourage prospective MA and PhD students, and independent researchers also capable of producing substantive work outside the university system that meets scholarly standards for publishing and/or dissemination. The fund is not restricted to Jersey applicants, or those studying at British universities.
Jersey’s history and cultural heritage is understood in a broad and inclusive sense, covering everything in the Island’s past up to the present day. The main focus has to be Jersey, but it is recognised that the Island’s history and cultural heritage can rarely be fully understood in isolation. The other Channel Islands, Britain, France, and other parts of the world in relation to Jersey’s maritime, economic or migration history, for example, may play a large and indispensable part in any study.
Read the Millenium Fund Constitution and learn about the application process below.

The Nigel Quérée Environment Award
The Société Jersiaise created this award scheme in memory of Nigel Quérée, one of Jersey’s most prominent environmentalists, and a member of the Executive Committee. The award is intended to recognise relevant research, field work and other projects, and is open to students, citizen scientists, and groups.
These are one-off grants to pay for specific expenses incurred by a project (of up to £2,000 for a year).
Applicants may put forward a detailed synopsis of a proposed project or area of study, backed up by an explanation of why an award would be justified.
Read the Nigel Quérée Award Constitution and learn about the application process below.

The Barreau Art Scholarship
This Scholarship fund dates back to 1924 when Miss A E Barreau provided the funds to establish and endow an Art Gallery at the Société Jersiaise Museum (the Barreau Le Maistre Gallery at Jersey Museum) and also an Art Scholarship for the benefit of Jersey students.
An award of up to £2,000 is made to assist with the study of fine art in the form of painting, sculpture, architecture, photography or film. The award is usually given to students to assist with the costs of Higher Education. However, applications of exceptional quality may also be considered from any artist wishing to develop their practice at any stage of their career.
Read the Barreau Art Scholarship Constitution and learn about the application process below.

The Roderick Dobson Natural History Award
The Société Jersiaise is reviving an awards scheme established in memory of Roderick Dobson, one of Jersey’s most distinguished field naturalists. The award, originally intended to recognise original field work by school pupils, is now being widened to include school leavers, students, mature naturalists and even groups. The Société Jersiaise has also decided to encourage proposals as well as finished work.
Applicants may put forward a detailed synopsis of a proposed area of study backed up by an explanation of why an award would be justified.
Awards of up to £1500 would be made on the understanding that the proposals would result in hard copy suitable for publication.
Read the Roderick Dobson Award Constitution and learn about the application process below.

The Averil Picot Art Scholarship
This Scholarship Fund was founded in 1955 by the late Averil Picot for the purpose of awarding scholarships to Jersey students studying art (fine art or a closely related subject) in Higher Education at Degree or Foundation Degree level.
According to the nature of the application, individual awards of up to £1,000 may be made. Whilst the award is most usually given to students to assist with the costs of Higher Education, applications of exceptional quality from artists wishing to develop their practice in any stage of their careers will also be considered.
Read the Averil Picot Art Scholarship Constitution and learn about the application process below.

For further details on any of the funds please contact the Société Jersiaise