Excellent turnouts at CBA Archaeology Festival
The Section organised 8 events over the course of the last two weeks in July starting with an visit of the JICAS Summer School excavation site at Hougue des Vindes to a pop-up exhibition at Ville es Nouaux (gallery grave and cist in a circle) highlighting the Section’s Neolithic Landscapes Project and public engagement exercise Neolithic Neighbours. We also had presentations at Hamptonne on Jersey pig rearing and pigsties, a new explanation of the history of Grosnez Castle from a re-analysis of the archaeology and history of the site; presentations by Perry Mesney, the HER Finds Co-ordinating Officer and Matt Pope on the work of his team over the last 15 years and what is next; a children’s pottery workshop, and Jersey Heritage’s “Meet the Collections” day when items from the archaeological collection were highlighted, as well as giving a glimpse into the working of the conservation lab there.
The turnout was excellent for the events, and it was good to see that the pop-up exhibition on the last day of the Festival had quite a number of “Neolithic Neighbours” attending – those people who live in relatively close proximity to our Neolithic sites.

Do you want a copy of the Weekly Archaeology Section Update?
For Members who are not members of the Archaeology Section but who might like to be kept up to date with activities of the Section / might like to attend to see what we do and perhaps participate, you are more than welcome to receive our weekly Section Update which we try and publish before each weekly meeting on Thursday. Sometimes activities are organised at relatively short notice, but we try and set out in a diary what the events are coming up over the next couple of months or so.
If you would like a try-out, just send a message to Marc Yates, Chair of the Section at archaeology@societe.je to be added to the emailing list. (If you try and decide that you don’t want to receive it, that is also no problem as we will take you off the list!)