The Jèrriais Section has formulated an interesting programme for the Section activities until Spring of 2024.
In our October meeting we will be receiving instruction from the Librarian, Valérie Noel, on how to archive material. We have received papers from the work of Laurie Huelin and Eileen Le Sueur, along with other material, which we shall be cataloguing and studying in the future. We shall also be exploring the Jèrriais words for the equipment in the agricultural museum at Samarès, which we have recently visited.
Our November meeting we will be preparing for our Open Day and also practicing Christmas Carols in Jèrriais for our session in King Street and the Assemblée Carol Service. December we shall be sharing and reading poems.
Our January meeting will be a visit, the venue and content to be advised. In February we will be learning the words to the music which Les Chaboleurs dance to, accompanied by our excellent musicians. Come and see them at The Elms on October 7th.
In March we will be visiting the Maritime Museum where there are so many Jèrriais words relating to ships, voyages and the sea.
The section is very active and very happy to welcome new members of all abilities, including absolute beginners. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 5.15 in the Arthur Mourant Room. Come along and play a part in learning, studying, using and preserving our incredible language.