The Numismatic Section Small Finds Team were invited by Dr Philip de Jersey to visit his dig on Alderney, three of the team and Hervé Duval-Gatignol flew over on Tuesday 23rd May.
Our first stop was the Alderney Museum to view the coin and pottery finds from previous digs/finds. We were then taken to this year’s dig site near the Nunnery and were shown the stone structures and part of a skeleton still in situ.
After lunch it was off to the Nunnery to view all the finds of pottery, the skull and bones already moved and a Roman Sestertius of Antoninus Pius approx. 150CE (AD). We then had a tour around the Nunnery to parts of the German fortifications of the island.
The day ended with a return to the airport and home.
We would like to thank Philip de Jersey and his team for the invite and a very informative day.
Further Section Update
Numismatics held their second bi-monthly meeting on the 18th April 2023.
Dave le Long gave a talk on the relationship between the early French Denier of Pepin 111 (751-768) the first Anglo-Saxon Penny of Offa King OF Mercia (757-796) and showed examples of both these coins.
Another section member showed their Westminster Mint Coins from a collection.
The final item was a ‘found’ cartwheel penny with a raised edge, probably used as a retail weight after no longer legal tender.